Rolling Hills now available for sky builds

The sky version of the Rolling Hills landscape is ready. It includes 16 setups (with or without reflective prim water in the middle, several texture combinations ranging from winter to desert scenes), all selectable by HUD.

The medium sized Rolling Hills sky environment

The Rolling Hills sky environment is available in three sizes: large (1,000x1,000m), medium (250x250m) and small (125x125m). The small one doesn't have any trees. They would look silly on such a small landscape, and it saves on your land impact.

Up to now, the small sky environments were 100x100 meters. The small version of this one though is 125x125 meters, which makes better use of the available space of square 1/4 sim parcels that measure 128x128 meters. Because of this, the flat, open area in the middle is more than 50% larger.

The small version is bigger than before: more space in the middle for your builds

For prim water and hills I've used the new Materials. The hills are more attractive that way, and the prim water has animated, reflective wave ripples. Be sure to use a compatible viewer and to activate the Advanced Lighting Model. The sky landscapes are excluded from the Physics system, which means they do not obstruct any sit animations and do not interfere with moving physical objects (like horses, cars etcetera) on your land.

A Wintery setup

Looks like a Martian landscape, doesn't it?
You can get a copy or a demo in my inworld store. You can see the sim surround version of the Rolling Hills at ground level on my sim.

The Rolling Hills sky environments will be discounted by 50% until Tuesday March 25.


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